NDMO and N-DOC provides ongoing support for P-DOCs and PDCs
Backup support for Provincial Disaster Operation Committees (PDOC) and Provincial Disaster Committees (PDCs) has been ongoing from the National Disaster Operations Committee and Sector Committees under our national disaster management arrangements and coordinated by NDMO through the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC).
A statement from the NEOC says support for the PDCs and P-DOCs’ include the operational guidance on sector responses including financial support for coordination and camp management for the quarantine and isolation of COVID-19 suspects and positive cases.
The role of the PDC is to oversee and coordinate all disaster response operations of the PDOC sector committees in the provinces and links up directly to provide advice to Provincial Executives. This is similar to the national arrangement where the NDC links directly and provides advice to Cabinet. An arrangement with over 30 years of experience.
.Financially all P-DOCs throughout the country are to be supported through their N-DOC Sector arrangement. Sector Committees receiving assistance include Health, Infrastructure, Livelihood, Camp Management, Protection, Education, Safety and Security (RSIPF and CCSSI) and Red Cross. This is to allow them conduct their response operations effectively as the country’s response arrangement is sector based. Financial support to PDC on coordination should enable P-DOCs Sector coordination at the Provincial level.
Meanwhile as part of NEOC Contingency Plan, the NEOC has deployed it staff to work on bubbles in 4 different locations in Honiara. This will allow them continue do their work without crossovers given the increasing spread of community transmission in Honiara.
As the national authority for disaster management, the NDMO through the NEOC and N-DOC Sector committees will continue their support to the PDCs’ and P-DOCs’ for the COVID operation and any other disaster events that may arise during the operation.