“Number of rape cases is atrocious”


Police Commissioner Matthew Varley

Eleven rape cases in just four months is atrocious and unacceptable behaviour in Solomon Islands, stresses Police Commissioner Matthew Varley.

Commissioner Varley uttered these comments at his weekly media conference in Honiara today.

He said having eleven rape cases in just four months is startling to note.

“Out of the total of those cases we recorded them right across the provinces, but five cases were recorded in Choiseul Province and dealt with by Police and one each in Malaita, Temotu, Central Islands, Western Province, Guadalcanal and Honiara City, the point is eleven cases in a few months is just startling understanding.

“Now Police are dealing with these cases and I suspect, as we’ve said before, that often many cases of sexual assault and violence against women in Solomon Islands are not reported to Police”.

Referring to the most recent rape incident in Choiseul Province involving a 52-year-old male who allegedly raped his 15-year-old granddaughter, the Police Commissioner said homes are now being turned into a crime scene.

“The offences are alleged to have happened over several times from you know June through to September and they took place in a house where the young girl lived and we’ve seen this happen in other cases before.

“My strong statement is what should be a safe home for a young child has turned into a crime scene and the suspect you know, should have been one of the most trusted persons in that young lady’s life.

“I really don’t know what else to say to the men of this country and you’ve heard me say this for well over a year now”.

By: Rickson Bau


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