One of SIDP’s priority policy to promote and develop tourism


Former Aoke-Langalanga MP Mathew Wale

The Solomon Islands Democratic Party, among other priority policies is planning to promote and develop the tourism sector to replace the logging industry.

The party’s former Parliamentary Wing Leader, Mathew Wale confirmed at the party’s fundraiser last night.

Mr Wale said tourism will be driven by partnerships with credible international brands to create volume and economies of scale.

He said the advancement of the tourism industry will also have positive implications to other related industries including aviation, communication, transportation and food.

There is a need he said, to mitigate sovereign risks to induce tourism investors in the country, which the Democratic Party is planning to undertake, to create employment in the next ten years.

“There is need to mitigate sovereign risks to induce such investors. We will take the actions necessary to mitigate such risks.
The economy needs it.

“Game changing investments by credible international branch in our tourism sector will have a disproportionate impact on our economy and country.

“Increased Tourist numbers will impact aviation will lead to more investments in that sector . We expect fifty thousand jobs to be create in this sector in the next ten years.”

Mr Wale said the party believes the Solomon Islands economy can be redirected to a more sustainable industry with the right policies and investments.

By: Charlie Salini 

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