An RSIPF officer and Australian Defense officer at work during the Operation Render Safe 2016. Photo credit: ACH.

An RSIPF officer and Australian Defense officer at work during the Operation Render Safe 2016. Photo credit: ACH.

The joint Operation Render Safe currently underway in Honiara is half way through its operation and has so far located 13,89 items of explosive war remnants, weighing 3.7 tonnes, in parts of Guadalcanal, Tulagi, and Russell islands.

Commander of the multinational Task force for Operation Render Safe 2016 Etienne Mulder announced today.

“As most of you are aware, we’ve been here for a week now so we’re half way through the Render Safe activity. To date, the ships that we have, the two Australian Mine Hunters and the New Zealand Diving Support ship and our ordinance disposal operators have actually located 13,89 explosive items and remnants of war and that’s quite a lot and when you total that up that adds up to a weight of over 3.7 tonnes.”

The Commander also calls on communities where the operation is being conducted to assist the Operation team.

“So I want to ask the community to really get out there, we are really here for another week but get the message out there that we’re here to help and we will try and assist wherever we can to get rid of the explosive ordinance okay because ultimately it makes us all safer.”

Operation Render Safe 2016 is a joint operation consisting of bomb disposal experts from the Defense Forces of Australia, Canada, Britain and New Zealand with the assistance of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF).

The operation continues next week.

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