The Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (OPMC) clarifies that the planned arrest of the Premier of Malaita Province and his Advisor is a mere rumor.

  Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet| Photo SIBC News

A media statement from OPMC says the rumor was made to steer public interest from the real issue and calls for an investigation on the Malaita 4 Democracy (M4D) group on possible breaches of the laws.

 The statement says OPMC was informed in early July that the M4D has been conducting a callous COVID-19 vaccination misinformation campaign in Gwauntafu and Sisifiu villages in West Fataleka, Malaita that could put risk the lives of our unsuspecting village people. 

“It was the M4D group that exposed themselves for investigation in the Solomon Star article titled “M4D covid-19 vaccine misinformation”. There was however never a single mention of Celsus or Suidani in the entire article, let alone calls for their arrest. The arrest rumors originated from the person of interest in an Island Sun article, wrongly citing the said Solomon Star article as a second source.”

The statement says Police have the powers to investigate and arrest any individual, including the Premier if they have broken any laws.

It says the Premier and his advisor should take great comfort in the national government’s soft approach in choosing cooperation and dialogue over aggression.

It explains the Premier and his advisor are not subjects of interest to the OPMC.

Meanwhile, OPMC is focused on supporting the Government to develop the best outcomes while balancing the competing interests of regional and global superpowers under the friend to all and enemy to none policy. 

It advocates for cooperation between the national government, bilateral and multilateral partners, all provincial governments, and people to bring services and tangible development to the Solomon Islands including Malaita.

Police Commissioner Mostyn Mangau earlier clarified that the mandated role of a Commissioner of Police is stated clearly under the Constitution and Police Act 2013.

Commissioner Mangau made the clarification in response to a statement made by the Leader of Opposition warning him to tread carefully over the Suidani saga’ that was published on the 24th of July 2021.

Mr. Mangau says there is the demarcation of powers between the legislators, judiciary, and Executive Authorities.

He adds the Opposition Leader’s statement on a possible arrest when Premier Suidani returns and allegations of a bribe being offered to the Premier to switch ties with China is not true. 

Police have not received or investigated any report against Premier Suidani on any allegation.

The Police Commissioner explains police have a mandated role to do their duties without any political interest or influence. 



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