No confidence motion notice has 11 allegations against Suidani


The Office of the Speaker of the Malaita Provincial Assembly has received a notice of a Motion of No Confidence against the embattled Malaita premier Daniel Suidani.

Asilaua (R) files motion of no confidence notice against Premier Suidani (L)

Speaker to the Malaita Provincial Assembly Ronnie Butala confirmed this to SIBC News yesterday.

Mr Butala said the no-confidence motion paper carried eleven allegations served before his office by MPA for ward 11 Elijah Asilaua. 

“It has 11 very strong allegations against Suidani which warrants my office to prepare a Motion of No Confidence to put to public notice,” Mr Butala said.  

As pursuant to Provincial Government Act 1997 Standing Order 107, a notice is being served seven (7) clear days starting yesterday. 

After the seven clear days, the motion will be debated before the full assembly.

Therefore the seven clear days will lapse on 16 October, and the full assembly will meet on Wednesday next week, 27 October 2021. The no confidence motion will be the only business for that day according to the Speaker. 

He said the motion paper received was signed by 19 Members of the Malaita Provincial Assembly (MPAs).

This means Suidani’s and his Malaita Alliance for Rural Advancement (MARA) government has 14 MPAs on his side of the 33 member house. 

“Under Standing Order section 58, when an absolute majority presents a signed notice to the speaker, I have no power to say no but to facilitate the motion. 

“As a speaker, my office will be neutral. I want the public to understand that this is a normal democratic process of a democratic government, and I want to appeal to the Malaita people to allow our elected leaders to dialogue and find ways to solve this leadership issue,” he said.

The Speaker calls on church leaders to pray for these leaders to make the right decision. 

“Community leaders and elders, it is time that we use wisdom. This is a critical time. Please my good people of Malaita, we must allow democratic process to take its course.

“I also call upon police to monitor the situation leading up to the motion of no confidence,” Mr Butala said. 

by Jared Koli

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