National Parliament of Solomon Islands building. Photo credit: Synexe.

National Parliament of Solomon Islands building. Photo credit: Synexe.

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has announced it will welcome submissions on the 2015 National Budget from Government, business and civil society agencies and groups.

The PAC says groups and individuals who wish to present their view of the 2015 Appropriation Bill can do so when the Committee receives the Appropriation Bill.

Philemon Loe from the Parliament Media Unit says, as of lunch hour today, the Public Accounts Committee is yet to receive the Bill.

Mr Loe says, the PAC Hearing depends very much on the availability of the Bill and other budget documents.

He further adds the national speaker is yet to receive copies of these documents.

Meanwhile, the Parliament Media Unit Officer says the Prime Ministers Office has indicated that a Fisheries Management Bill will be tabled when Parliament resumes this month.

SIBC News also understands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has invited the Governor-General to deliver a ‘Speech From The Throne’ when Parliament reconvenes on Tuesday next week.

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