Parliament passes Whistleblowers Protection bill


Inside the Parliament Chamber of Solomon Islands. Photo: Courtesy of Radio Australia

The National Parliament this afternoon passed the ‘Whistleblowers Protection bill 2016’ into an ‘Act’.

The new Act was passed with amendments to clauses in relation to ‘Interpretation and Protection from Liability and Victimization’ after a long day of deliberation at the Committee of the Whole House and Third Reading.

During the bill’s debate this week, the country’s only two female MPs were quite vocal in supporting it.

Freda Tuki, the Minister for Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs and MP for Temotu VATUD, and GizoKolombangara MP LanelleTanangada both emphasised that the Whistleblowers bill and the newly passed Anti-Corruption Act are inseparable.

Both MPs stressed in Parliament yesterday, the effectiveness of the Anti-Corruption Act depends on the Whistleblowers bill.

Supporting the bill onbehalf of the women, youth and children in the country, the duo strongly believe corrupt practices, mal-administration and misconduct will be reduced when the Whistleblowers policy is passed and enforced.

On the fear of whistleblowers reprisal, Mrs.Lanelle said Parliament must make it its priority to protect whistleblowers.

She said, the Gizo-Kolombangarapeople want to see the Whistleblowers Protection bill passed and enacted.

The Whistleblowers Protection bill 2016 aims to protect people who come forward with information on corruption.


By: Leni Dalavera and Charlie Salini



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