PM Highlights OUR Party Principles during Convention


OUR party embraces the idea of collectiveness, togetherness and mutual responsibility in the process of governance which is vital to instill the sense of ownership and participation by our people.

These principles of OUR party were highlighted and reiterated by party wing leader and Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare during OUR party’s convention held this week at the Cowboy’s Grill.

Speaking before the party’s executive and financial members, Mr Sogavare further highlighted that these principles are further enforced by the terms Ownership, Unity and Responsibility (OUR).

“They reflected our themes and convictions on how we relate to the government and vice versa,” Sogavare stated.

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare speaking during the convention

Our Party parliamentary wing leader further added that “it is not some foreign abstract concept like democracy which is totally foreign to the way we relate to our traditional governance processes, we are simply endorsing who we are and how we should relate to each other and with those in authority.”

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare also stated that OUR party was formed from the view that the government “as an institution of democracy is eroded and systematically drifted away from placing the real needs and aspirations of our people as its priority into serving the narrow interests of some people.”

Sogavare said that regionalism and political leaders serving their own interests over national interests are further dampening the government’s ability to serve our people.

He added these are issues must be tackled head-on otherwise this country is heading for doom.

OUR Party members during the convention

Meanwhile the Prime Minister further highlighted that national unity has remained a serious matter for this country.

“We are trending on a very thin thread; we are still a country very vulnerable to disunity,” he said

The OUR Party parliamentary wing leader said if we are not able to handle the situations raised from regionalism and personal politics, the country will disintegrate.

He urged the party members to tackle these issues head-on during the course of the party’s tenure in power.

PM’s Press Secretariat

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