Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo. Photo credit:

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo. Photo credit:

Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has sent condolences to families of victims of the Malaysian Airlines flight disaster.

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was flying to Indonesia from Amsterdam, Netherlands when it was shot down over pro-Russian territory in eastern Ukraine.

None of the 298 passengers and crew on board the flight survived.

Among the victims were 28 Australian nationals, one New Zealander and one long-time New Zealand resident.

Up to 100 of those killed were reportedly delegates on their way to an International Conference on Aids in Melbourne, Australia.

In a statement today, the Prime Minister says he joins world leaders in expressing sympathy to the families of the victims of MH17, and strongly condemns the horrendous act of terrorism against innocent global citizens.

Prime Minister Lilo also said, he supports the call of world leaders for an international independent investigation into the gunning down of the plane to find out the perpetrators.

He said those that were found to carry out the unspeakable act must face justice.

He adds, the Government and people of Solomon Islands were in shock to learn of the act of terrorism, and join the rest of the world in mourning the loss of the innocent lives on the MH17 flight.

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