A Royal Solomon Islands Police Force cap. Photo credit: SIBC.

A Royal Solomon Islands Police Force cap. Photo credit: SIBC.

Community leaders in North West Guadalcanal and West Guadalcanal have praised the police for their quick action in apprehending and charging the suspect of the Paru Road Block.

The roadblock happened in North West Guadalcanal over the weekend.

Community leaders in the area say the police quick response has helped boost public confidence in the police in their communities.

The leaders have also said the quick action by police clearly shows no one is above the law.

Meanwhile, in a statement the community leaders have assured the police they will avail their resources to support police action to ensure that North West and West Guadalcanal continue to be law-abiding communities.

The leaders also said they want to remind people who moved and settled with them to respect their custom and culture; and not introduce unwanted activities such as road blocks, which brings a bad image to their communities.

The statement adds community networks will be set up from Kakabona to Lambi to ensure that police is offered correct information so that crimes within the area are dealt with effectively.

SIBC News understands North West and West Guadalcanal is becoming a popular hangout for weekend travellers from Honiara and international visitors.

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