Police warn againts threats




RSIPF Assistant Commissioner for Crime and Intelligence, Ian Vaevaso


The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) warns, any person found guilty of using threats can be charged under the country’s Penal Code.

RSIPF Assistant Commissioner for Crime and Intelligence, Ian Vaevaso said following their intelligence gathering, they are concerned that certain individuals in the country are using social media, phone texts and conversations to threaten others for a number of reasons.

Mr. Vaevaso explains, this includes threats over land dispute, race or ethnicity, retaliation for unresolved matters and the recent political situation.

He said such threats are offences that carry maximum penalties ranging from one to ten years imprisonment, if a person is found guilty.

He adds, on the night of 27 April 2019 police officers arrested a 17-year-old male who allegedly used threatening words against the family of a police officer in Henderson, east Honiara.

He warns, any individuals involved in such acts or intend to do so must stop as police will take any complaints from public very seriously.

Members of the public are encouraged to contact their nearest police station should they wish to report such threats.


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