Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

Guadalcanal Province Premier Anthony Veke describes the poverty profile for Guadalcanal Province according to the Solomon Islands Poverty Profile report as an “unfortunate and a sad situation for his government”.

Guadalcanal Province is among two other provinces with a portion of its population living in poverty according to the Solomon Islands Poverty Profile.

This is however not news to premier Veke as the 2006 Solomon Islands Poverty Profile report had indicated high poverty rate for Guadalcanal Province.

The Premier stresses, a revolution in service delivery and building the lives of the people will help address poverty on Guadalcanal Province.

“It’s a serious matter now for Guadalcanal. We have to approach service delivery, we have to approach building the lives of the people of Guadalcanal in a different way, it’s not ordinary and it’s not usual as what we did in the past. We have to change our strategies, we have to look at what we can do to change these reports.”

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