Premier Sade Presents GP’s Developments, Undertakings and Challenges to PM


The Premier of Guadalcanal Province, Hon. Francis Sade paid a courtesy visit to Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare at the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet last Friday.

A government statement confirmed Premier Sade’s visit was purposely to inform the Prime Minister on his government’s ongoing developments and undertakings including some challenges which he has requested assistance from the national government to address.

From L-R: Guadalcanal Deputy Premier, Prime Minister Sogavare, Premier Sade and GP Finance Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office

Hon. Sade raised a number of undertakings that his province has rolled out and has expressed his government’s acknowledgment and appreciation of the efforts and measures done by the national government to keep Solomon Islands Covid-19 free.

He said the national government’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic measures and avoidance of community transmission is indeed a blessing to which his government and people have applauded.

Some of the areas Hon Sade revealed that his government is working on include the beautification works in the Henderson area to which he added is also preparatory developments towards the upcoming 2023 SP Games.

The Premier also expressed his provincial government’s review of the Guadalcanal Development Authority (GDA), which is the province’s business arm and plans to revive it.

Other areas include his government’s efforts to improve its local revenue, it’s MOU with the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification and the Ministry of Finance and Treasury regarding Tina Hydro including his government’s support towards the efforts of the national government on the Covid-19 Vaccination rollout in Guadalcanal province.

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