Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. Photo credit:

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. Photo credit:

Choiseul Provincial government has congratulated Hon. Manasseh Sogavare for his successful election as 12th Prime Minister for Solomon Islands.

In a statement today Premier Jackson Kiloe said on behalf of the Choiseul Provincial government and its people he congratulates Prime Minister-elect Sogavare and members of National Coalition for Change for their great achievement.

Mr Kiloe says the achievement is important for the country as it seeks “real Change” in its development aspiration for the nation’s rural masses.

Premier Kiloe calls on all citizens to work closely with the new government to advance its national plans.

Meanwhile, people of East Malaita celebrates the victory of the Newly elected Prime Minister Manasseh Damukana Sogavare after the Prime Minister’s election in Parliament today.

Manasseh Sogavare has won the country’s top government position in a one ballot run today polling a total of 31 votes against his rival Jeremiah Manele’s 19 votes.

SIBC’s East Malaita stringer Mr Enock Idui reports, people of East Malaita are celebrating Mr Sogavare’s victory.

“People are very excited at the moment especially in places I have managed to visit, like the Bible School I am reporting from situated in the center of East Malaita. People and teachers around here are very excited as is obvious from their facial expressions at a meeting I attended today.”

Idui adds, people are hoping to see development changes in their communities.

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