Prime Minister Sogavare on Constituency tour


Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare will spend the next week and half touring East Choiseul Constituency.

PM Manasseh Sogavare

The Prime Minister’s delegation left Honiara for East Choiseul over the weekend.

During the tour, Prime Minister Sogavare will be conducting awareness as well as paying attention to the expressed views of his constituents on matters relating to the possible deferment of the coming National General Election by one year due to the Pacific Games 2023.

Prime Minister today, (Monday 6th June) begun his tour to Gagara and surrounding communities.

Tuesday 7th June, Hon. Sogavare will tour Susuka, Sorana and catchment communities.

The Prime Minister will visit Lukuvaru and Pangoe communities this Wednesday.

Lulemekolo and Vanogo communities will be toured on Thursday.

Prime Minister Sogavare will spend Sabbath with Nuatabu Community before taking the last leg of his tour to Varunga on Sunday.

East Choiseul Communities will be privileged to discuss with their MP, the Prime Minister and dialogue with him on other national and constituency issues of interest.

The Hon. Prime Minister and his delegation returns to Honiara mid next week.

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