The Correctional Service facility at Auki, Malaita Province. Photo credit: SIBC.

The Correctional Service facility at Auki, Malaita Province. Photo credit: SIBC.

Two inmates have escaped from the Auki Correctional Centre on New Year’s Day.

Details surrounding the escape are still sketchy, but the Auki Correctional Centre confirmed the men escaped on New Year’s Day.

Attempts to get comments from the Commissioner of Correctional Services were proven futile as he is currently not in the office.

However, Provincial Police Commander for Auki David Wate urged the general public in Auki and surrounding communities to help police recapture the two escapees.

“I would like to appeal to the public in the West Kwara’ae and West Baelelea areas to inform the police in helping to recapture the two suspects. They could be sheltering in any of the nearby villages that you might site so I would like communities within these areas to help assist police with any information by calling police on 40132 for Auki Police front desk to relay any information about sitings.”

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