President of PPP Charles Dausabea. Photo: SIBC.

President of PPP Charles Dausabea. Photo: SIBC.

Pressure group, the Malaita Ma’asina Forum (MMF) has said the implementation of major projects earmarked for Malaita Province will provide more employment for Malaitans.

MMF President Charles Dausabea told local journalists in a media conference this week, they will support any projects that would provide thousands of employment opportunities for Malaitans.

“What we the Ma’asina would support is any project that will take more than a thousand employees. A thousand to 2000 employees is what MMF wants and not projects that would only employ 200 to 300 people only.

Mr Dausabea said major projects like cannery and palm oil can provide more job opportunities for the people of Malaita, saying this will also reduce rural-urban drift in the country.

“So the only projects that can take on that number is cannery and oil palm, so we are eyeing these two because when you take about 3000 people from Honiara on an average of five per family, that’s about 15,000 going and relieving pressure from Honiara. Our people are here to work and make money in town.

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