Quarantine Facilities cleared for use.

Quarantine officers cleaning the used quarantine facilities|Photo: Island Sun Newspaper.

Cleaning of the Institutional Quarantine Facilities used by quarantined persons for the last few weeks have done and are ready for re-use.

A total of 231 rooms have gone through the decontamination process this week.

This include rooms at the Guadalcanal Beach Resort, Telekom Recreational Area,VIMO Apartments in the outskirts of Henderson and King George the Sixth School.

A statement from the National Disaster Council, NDC, says, the decontamination process is important to get the facilities ready for further use should the need arise.

Three facilities are now empty and Institutional Quarantine Facility Management Team are now taking stock of available resources and supplies.

Meanwhile, in the provinces, work in preparing Institutional Quarantine Facilities in anticipation of the possible spread of the virus is progressing well.

Currently a total of 442 rooms are available as quarantine facilities. These expect to increase when Provincial sites are completed in the coming days or weeks.

Also an Australian funded quarantine fecility next to the Henderson International terminal nears completion.

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