Former Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

Former Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

Former Premier of Guadalcanal Province Anthony Veke has again called on the central government to recognise the rights of original landowners of Honiara Land, saying the Government’s recognition of their rights is important.

Mr Veke told SIBC News yesterday recognising this is crucial and this has always been the prerequisite demand of land owners.

He also said this recognition is a crucial step for any land dealings to expand Honiara Town boundary.

“My view with regards to the expansion of the town boundary is that the government has to do certain things first. The activities that it needs to do before talking about land acquisition and they are almost like a prerequisite before any land can be acquired; one of them is the recognition of the original landowners of the Honiara land.”

SIBC News understands the Minister for Lands, Housing and Survey recently announced the intention of the DCC Government to acquire more lands for possible expansion of urban centres in the country.

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