Former Renbel Premier Lence Tangosia. Photo credit: George Hemming.

Former Renbel Premier Lence Tangosia. Photo credit: George Hemming.

The Rennell and Bellona Provincial Government has been suspended following an unresolved political impasse affecting the delivery of services to the people of the Province.

The Government Media Unit says, Provincial Government Minister Silas Tausinga issued the suspension order yesterday in accordance with section 44(1) (b) of the provincial Government Act.

It explains, Renbel Province has no executive government as most MPAs resigned from Premier Lence Tango.

It says, Mr. Tango has also failed to advice the minister of any new appointments to form a provincial executive after he was deserted.

Minister Tausinga has taken the action following deliberations and consultations with the Prime Minister’s Office, the Renbel Provincial Government, the Attorney General Chambers and other agencies on the right course of action to ensure the people of Renbel Province enjoy the services they are entitled to.

Other grounds for suspension include financial mismanagement, unstable provincial governance systems and lack of dedication from the provincial Assembly members.

Meanwhile, provincial Secretary Mr. Agiki Peseika Baiabe is the administration caretaker.

He reports to the MPGIS Permanent Secretary.

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