Alfred Sasako. Photo credit: Solomon Times.

Alfred Sasako. Photo credit: Solomon Times.

Intending candidate for East Kwaio, Alfred Sasako has called for the immediate dissolution of Parliament, saying the nation has reached the height of fiscal irresponsibility through abuse of public funds.

In an opinionative piece to the media, Mr Sasako says the grim picture painted by a confidential circular issued by the Permanent Secretary of Finance, Shadrach Fanega, only 10 days ago calls for decisive action to limit the sufferings being experienced by the people and the damage to the national economy.

The circular blamed the April flash floods and suspension of production at the Gold Ridge Mine for the government critical budget shortage.

But Mr. Sasako believes, the truth of the matter is that mismanagement of the economy has been unprecedented.

He adds, blaming Gold Ridge and the floods in April is completely untrue, adding that they may be contributing factors, but the real reason is that the 2014 Recurrent Budget was overly inflated.

Mr Sasako says, it was full of rubbery figures, which simply did not add up, for example, at the end of May this year revenue collection reached just 29 per cent of budget projection. Figures for the month of June were said to be worse.

It is possible Mr. Sasako will be contesting for a seat in the next government.

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