Alfred Sasako. Photo credit: Solomon Times.

Alfred Sasako. Photo credit: Solomon Times.

An intending candidate in this year’s national general election has called for major economic interventions, targeting agriculture and education as priority sectors.

Alfred Sasako who is contesting the East Kwaio seat on Malaita said the sad state of affairs of the economy calls for urgent action to stop the downward spiral, which is relegating more and more urban families to go under the poverty line.

In a statement today Mr Sakako said people are hurting and more will get hurt if appropriate measures to reverse the trend are not taken now.

He says agriculture as an industry is the key and it is the only industry that has the potential to revolutionize the nation’s development landscape.

He said Solomon Islands is endowed with natural resources, including agricultural crops which can bring about life-changing experience to resource-owners in the rural areas if the right balance is struck in a new partnership between resource owners and investors.

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