Honorable Marting Sopaghe. Photo: Parliament

Honorable Martin Sopaghe. Photo: Parliament.

Local teak tree farmers at the Guadalcanal plains are calling on the Member of Parliament for North Guadalcanal to explain how he spent his constituency’s reforestation program funds for last year.

The farmers made the call after missing out on the reforestation funds last year.

A spokesperson for the group told SIBC’s North Guadalcanal stringer Dudley Gani, he went to enquire at the Ministry of Forestry and Research last month, only to be told that the funds were already disbursed.

“A spokesperson for the teak farmers Stephen Iluke said he went to enquire at the Ministry of Forestry and Research last month, but they told him that the Member of Parliament for North Guadalcanal Constituency already had last year’s funds. Mr Iluke said he then wet to see Hon. Sopaghe about the funding but the MP told him to return the next day, which he did, but was unable to see the MP until today.”

Mr Gani reports the spokesperson calls on responsible authorities to urgently investigate how, the North Guadalcanal MP has used the funds.

“Mr Iluke calls on the responsible authorities to investigate the North Guadalcanal MP, asking him to explain to the teak farmers how he used the 3-hundred and 40-thousand dollars he took from the Ministry of Forest and Research last year,” reported Mr Gani.

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