Solomon Islands Meteorological Service Director David Hiriasia. Photo credit: Courtesy of David Hiriasia's Facebook account.

Solomon Islands Meteorological Service Director David Hiriasia. Photo credit: Courtesy of David Hiriasia’s Facebook account.

The Solomon Islands Meteorological Service will be the host of the Ocean science, coastal inundation regional training starting tomorrow in Honiara.

Director of Solomon Islands Meteorological Service Mr David Hiriasia says, tides and sea level will be key topics of discussion during the training.

Mr Hiriasia says, this initiative is the next step towards developing and delivering oceans and marine weather services to stakeholders.

He adds the Meteorological Service is looking to develop better marine weather services for stakeholders to ensure the safety of boats and ships, provide useful information to fisheries, health and the tourism sectors and assist communities in preparing and planning.

“The ocean is very important for us Pacific island countries and we use it for a lot of things, like transport, source of food, a source of revenue for the country, but because our lives have basically brought up around the ocean a lot of times we ignore it and one issue like marine warnings normally issued by the Met Service, and one of our main disasters is missing people at sea.”

Stakeholders from Fiji, Vanuatu, Tonga and Samoa meteorological services, as well as other agencies, will participate in the training workshop.

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