SIEC yet to receive campaign expenses

Mose Saitala.

The Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) has yet to receive campaign expenses from candidates who contested the recent National General Elections.

It is an obligation under Section 69, Sub-section 1 of the Electoral Act 2018 for candidates to submit their statement of account, specifying all expenses incurred during their campaign and the source of funds within ninety days after the publication of election results.

Chief Electoral Officer, Mose Saitala told SIBC News all candidates have to submit their campaign expenses as the ninety-day period ends on July 19th.

“Everybody should know that , that is an obligation that they have to comply with,” he said.

“So we just want to remind them that, please prepare your statements.”

Failure to produce election expenses is an offence under the Act that carries a maximum penalty of twenty thousand dollars, two years imprisonment or both.

An additional one hundred dollars will be enforced for each day the offence continues.

By: Fredrick Kusu. 

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