The Opposition Leader Hon. Jeremiah Manele. Photo credit: Parliament.

The Opposition Leader Hon. Jeremiah Manele. Photo credit: Parliament.

The Parliamentary Opposition has reiterated its call for the Prime Minister to terminate his under performed political appointees.

The Parliamentary Opposition says the critical comments made by the Prime Minister about his disappointment with some of his political appointees for confusing their roles with that of the ministries must not be taken lightly.

The Opposition Group highlighted this following comments made by the Prime Minister in a report published in the Solomon Business Magazine (SBM) early this year.

In the report, the Prime Minister clearly outlined that some political appointees are obstacles to the roles of ministries; with some making unofficial trips without the knowledge of their responsible ministers.

The statement adds it was something the Opposition Group has raised in the beginning of 2015 when the Prime Minister defended the appointment of his 39 political appointees.

It is concerned about the duplication of tasks by some political appointees with that of the permanent secretaries and other technical officers within the line ministries.

The Opposition says, it is good that the Prime Minister has finally realized that there are too many people within the OPMC pretending to be very busy but actually doing nothing at the expense of the taxpayers.

The statement adds, the right thing to do is to terminate their contracts and have a small number of people that will deliver positive results for the Government.

It emphasises the challenge is for the Prime Minister to act accordingly to avoid another year of unproductiveness by political appointees that basically get paid for doing nothing.

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