A Tertiary Education Think Tank Meeting led by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources has ended successfully in Honiara today.
The meeting brought together tertiary education providers and education stakeholders from the Government, churches, the donor
community and the region to discuss the country’s new tertiary education system.
Education stakeholders did presentations on tertiary education within the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development; the landscape of tertiary education and training for this year; and the progress of the new Education Bill.
There were also presentations on the Solomon Islands Tertiary Education Commission and the Interim Solomon Islands Qualification Authority – both of which are provided for under the new Education Bill.
Speaking after the Think Tank Meeting this afternoon, Permanent Secretary for Education and Human Resources Development Dr Franco Rodie said the meeting was successful.
“Am very pleased with the discussion, particularly the quality of comments and the feedback we received from our stakeholders. It will help us to improve the documentation of what we already have in terms of improving the tertiary education sector from where we are into the future.”