Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke. Photo credit: SIBC.

The newly elected Guadalcanal Provincial Premier, Hon. Anthony Veke will work on his province’s governance reform.

Hon. Veke told “Distaem Nao” Program today his Government will ensure policies capture the province’s development interests.

He adds his government will ensure the policy implementation is achievable within the legislative competency of the province.

Meanwhile he explains, the reform program is to include a redundancy exercise within the provincial administration.

“Based on those policies we have a set of priorities as a government and internally this government want to strengthen the administration of the provincial government through some structural reforms and we will be seriously doing this, which means that my government will be looking at a redundancy exercise within the administration due to the reforms that we are going to undertake.”

Mr. Veke assures, his government will seriously work alongside relevant authorities to ensure all outstanding issues of the province are addressed.

Meanwhile, the Guadalcanal Women’s Civil Society group is discontented at the Guadalcanal Premier’s election result saying it is not in the best interest of the people of Guadalcanal – especially the silent Majority.

The group’s spokes representative Olga Chapangi says the Premier elect Hon. Anthony Veke has a pending legal case in relation to misappropriation of public funds.

Ms. Chapangi says it would have been proper if Mr. Veke wait till his court case is cleared before he pursues the premier’s post.

“Mr. Veke has an issue within the province which is still to be solved and this is the legal case against him relating to the missapropriation of funds belonging to the province and I am quite supprised to see and heard that leaders without vision, I should say, voted Mr. Veke back into office.”

She says it saddens Guadalcanal women to see elected provincial representatives handle important provincial matters with little consideration for the silent majority.

The Tangarare MPA was elected to the premier’s post yesterday following the ousting of former Premier Bartholomew Vavanga in a No Confidence Motion last week.

SIBC News is aware, MPA Veke is jointly charged with MP Braddley Tovosia who each face four counts of abuse of office and seven counts of attempted abuse of office in July 2010.

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