Wale calls for waiver of school fees

LEADER of Opposition Hon. Matthew Wale has called on the Government to facilitate the waiver of school fees for the remainder of the 2022 academic year for all affected schools.

Opposition Leader Hon Matthew Wale

In statement today, Hon Wale said parents are already in financial distress and the current policy on school fees for 2022 is affecting a lot of parents.

He said to be confronted with increased school fees in some cases due to extra costs to meet school re-opening, government Covid 19 restrictions and measures only forces parents and guardians to take the easy way out at the disadvantage of their children.

“Parents and guardians are unfairly being asked to bear a burden too heavy in the current economy,” he said.

He said the school fee situation has resulted in very low enrolments in many schools with some children had to be left out.

“Parents and children simply cannot afford the fees leaving them with no other option except, keep their children out of school. This is not right and I encourage the Government to do something about it,” Hon Wale said.

The Opposition Leader said schools have had to bear additional costs related to covid safety and these are reflected in the increased school fees.

“In many cases school fees for the half year is higher than for the whole academic year. Schools must be supported by the government with these additional costs rather than expect parents to bear them,” he said.

Hon Wale said donor covid funding support should be sought to cover these costs.

-Opposition Press

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