Wale calls on the government to put a moratorium ban on mining activities; ‘Get the mining bill before parliament’


Aerial shot of Gold Ridge Mining

Leader of the opposition, Hon. Mathew Wale has called on the government to put a moratorium on all mining activities and get the mining bill before parliament.

Leader Wale made the call following concerns that the same Director of the Bintang Mining SI Ltd has incorporated a new mining firm, Nickel Exploration Solomon Islands Ltd to mine West Rennell.

“Right now, there should be a moratorium on all mining activities in the country. Put a halt to mining operations in the country for three years. Bring the new mining bill first to sort out every loophole, and then reopen it. That we should be able to maximize our benefit from mining.”

He said the way the government is too quick to give out mining and prospecting licenses and too slow in bringing in the mining bill raises serious concerns.

“The government is too slow in bringing in the new mining bill and too fast to give out mining leases and prospecting licenses. I am worried about this situation, and never trusted the government in doing so as far as mining and logging are concerned.”

Director of Mines, Nicholas Biliki earlier told SIBC News that the government is fast-tracking three additional mining operations in the country.


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