We need to kill more crocodiles: Solomons Opposition party


We need to kill more crocs, the opposition says.

The Parliamentary Opposition Group says more crocodiles need to be killed  around the country to keep citizens safe.

The Opposition says the recent incident in the Western province in which an eight year old girl was snatched by a crocodile and her body later retrieved from its stomach has raised a lot of fear.

This comes on top of recent incidences of increased crocodile sightings and attacks around the country.

In a statement it called on the Government, particularly the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), to assist in reducing the population of the dangerous reptiles.

It said crocodile sightings and attacks were happening frequently and at places they had rarely seen before –  an indication that these reptiles were increasing in population.

Meanwhile, the Opposition Office has proposed lifting the ban in export of crocodile skin; so that Solomon Islanders can eradicate the reptiles and sell its skin for money.

The demand for crocodile skin was very high and of high value and our locals can benefit a lot from it, the statement said.

The issue of increasing number of crocodiles around the country has been raised with the Opposition Office by rural people in the Western, Guadalcanal and Isabel provinces.

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