A destroyed road during the recent flash floods. Photo credit: SIBC.

A destroyed road during the recent flash floods. Photo credit: SIBC.

A two days workshop on the “lessons learned” following the April Floods in Honiara and parts of Guadalcanal is underway in Honiara.

The workshop brings together a diverse group of people and organizations involved in the disaster management operations of the April Floods.

It also provides a platform for stakeholders to share their experiences and challenges and to setup a roadmap to improve their operations in future disaster events.

Permanent Secretary responsible for Disaster Management and National Disaster Council Chair, Dr Melchior Mataki said preparing response plans for future disasters are critical.

“I request all stakeholders within and outside of government to improve and to develop your own respective plans of engagement for disaster management and ensure that they are aligned and supportive of the National Disaster Rick Management Plan. The arrangements that we have provide for preparedness for response to and recovery from disasters. In an event of a disaster the intentions of the disaster arrangements are for the assessment of impacts and decision making at all levels for the optimal utilisation of available resources.”

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