The Queen's Young Leaders logo. Photo credit:

The Queen’s Young Leaders logo. Photo credit:

Young people should believe in themselves and pursue what they are passionate about.

The Queen’s Young Leader for 2014 Award recipient Christina Houaisuta told SIBC News in an exclusive interview today.

Ms. Houaisuta was awarded the Queen’s Young Leader 2014 Award, where she was recognised for her achievements in transforming her own life and the lives of others.

Speaking to SIBC News Ms. Houaisuta says youths should believe in themselves and pursue their goals.

“Whether you’re a leader or not a leader, I think it’s good for you to believe in yourself. What you have or what you’re passionate about, go for it because it would turn out positive for you one day. Although you might see yourself as nothing, like me at the first place before this award, which is the first time ever in my life. I would like to encourage you to see me as an example and never have low self-esteem. You are something.”

Each year from 2014 to 2018, 60 inspirational young people will be selected to receive an award and become ‘Queen’s Young Leaders’ – one for every year that The Queen had served as Head of the Commonwealth at the time of her Diamond Jubilee.

SIBC News understands, as part of the Award, She will receive mentoring and online learning provided by the University of Cambridge.

Ms. Houaisuta will attend a week-long residential programme in the UK in June, where she will receive her Award at Buckingham Palace from The Queen.

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