Mining on Rennell Island. Photo credit: SIBC.

Mining on Rennell Island. Photo credit: SIBC.

Chairman of the West Rennell Resource Owners Association, JonathanTohuika has appealed to the Permanent Secretary and the Director of the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification to quickly hold a meeting to decide  the fate of APID and Bintang who are currently doing mining operation there.

Mr Tohuika told SIBC news, people of West Rennell have suffered, and it’s about time responsible authorities interrupt and solve the issue.

“The call I return to make through SIBC to the nation, especially to the Director of Mines and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry to remind them again that the West Rennell Resource Owners Association have taken the case to the High Court and we appeal for an urgent meeting so as to determine the positions of APID and Bintang.”

He stressed  the board should meet now and not to prolong the matter to end the people’s suffering.

“The board should meet and not wait as the more you wait means more damage caused to the landowner’s resources that not event a cent has reached them.”

The Company has been operating on the Island since 2008.

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