AA Logo. Photo credit: www.talkshoe.com

AA Logo. Photo credit: www.talkshoe.com

Alcoholics Anonymous Solomon Islands, or AA Solomon Islands, is celebrating its second Anniversary in Honiara this weekend.

The organisation is a branch of the international Alcoholics Anonymous fellowship and is a voluntary and free-of-charge “fellowship of men and women who meet together to attain and maintain sobriety”.

A member of AA Solomon Islands, Clay told SIBC News the group began in 2013 and celebrates its second Anniversary this Sunday.

Clay says part of their celebrations of the event is an information session they will hold in Honiara tomorrow.

“On Saturday we will be having a public information session that will happen at the All Saints area of the Anglican Church of Melanesia in the leaf hut. We have two groups one of which is the Alcoholics Anonymous, who will be talking about the life of a drunkard and how they themselves came to stop from drinking and the other group will talk about how they have helped the families or victims of people who involved were involved in drinking or alcoholics.”

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