The new RSIPF Commissioner, Frank Prendergast from Australia. Photo credit: SIBC.

The new RSIPF Commissioner, Frank Prendergast from Australia. Photo credit: SIBC.

The new Police Commissioner, Frank Prendergast says one of his top priorities as commissioner of RSIPF is to address family violence in the country.

Commissioner Prendergast made this statement to local media during police weekly press conference in Honiara yesterday.

He said the RSIPF has a no tolerance policy towards family violence, including domestic violence and the police will strongly deal with it.

“I can say one of my absolute priorities in the time am here as Commissioner is to really try and improve the situation around family violence. From a policing perspective we have a No Tolerance policy and we’ll be enforcing that. Family violence is clearly an issue in the community, it’s clear an issue in all parts of the community and where we have reports of those types of issues we will deal with them strongly and promptly because it has no part in the community and we need to deal with it.”

SIBC News understands Parliament recently passed the Family Protection Bill 2014, which has legal provisions to make domestic violence a crime.

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