On the Savo Russells volcanic islands. Photo credit: Sunset Lodge.

On the Savo Russells volcanic islands. Photo credit: Sunset Lodge.

An Australian company is hopeful to use thermal power from the Savo volcano to provide electricity to the country’s capital, Honiara.

Today PACNEWS reports the Brisbane based Geodynamics Limited and its joint venture partner Kentor Energy Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Kentor Gold told the Australian Stock Exchange the granting of development consent by the Solomon Islands Government follows a review of both their Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and their Environmental Management Plan.

Meanwhile, Geodynamic’s chief executive officer Geoff Ward said the key step for the company is to undertake exploration drilling on the island to prove the existence of a geothermal reserve capable of supporting the project.

Mr Ward says as a key prerequisite to that, the company is negotiating a power purchasing agreement to know that there will be a market for the power if the exploration is successful.

Mr Ward adds a resource in excess of 30 megawatts potential on Savo Island taken from their initial exploration would be enough to supply all of Honiara’s demand and a significant part of its future demand.

SIBC News understands if the project is successful, power will be delivered to Honiara via an undersea cable that would run for 14 kilometres between the two islands.

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