Awareness program kicks off in MOI

An island outside the reefs of Malaita province.

A four-day awareness program is currently being rolled out in the Malaita Outer Islands of Luaniua and Pelau.

A group comprising non-governmental organisations have travelled over the weekend to conduct the awareness program.

Reporting from Luaniua this morning SIBC’s Lowen Sei said awareness talks begin this afternoon.

“And the awareness talks will be conducted by Transparency Solomon Islands and SIDT mainly around issues of corruption, governance and TSI will make people aware of what and how the government is using and spending funds as well as misusing the funds as well as how people can hold them accountable for such actions.”

Mr Sei added, the Solomon Islands Development Trust, SIDT, will also raise awareness on climate change as well as get first hand information on the issue.

“SIDT is also here to raise awareness and get first hand information on climate change around the islands because as we went around climate change is a real issue here and we’ve witnessed it first hand and also today SIDT’s team will be travelling to Pelau to raise awareness on climate change.”

A media team is accompanying TSI, SIDT and Voice Blo Mere Solomons on the Malaita Outer Islands tour.

SIBC Online understands, voter registration update across the country opens today.

By: Rickson Bau

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