Bmobile Solomon Islands Country Manager Niall Downey. Photo credit: SIBC.

Bmobile Solomon Islands Country Manager Niall Downey. Photo credit: SIBC.

Bmobile customers in Solomon Islands – both corporate and retail – will soon be able to use their Bmobile sim cards overseas – thanks to a new strategic partnership between the mobile and Internet service provider, and Vodafone UK.

The partnership was officially announced today in Honiara.

Under the agreement, Bmobile becomes Vodafone’s exclusive partner in Solomon Islands, as well as in Papua New Guinea.

A statement issued today said Bmobile will benefit from access to Vodafone best practice and products and services.

This includes Bmobile customers will benefit from being able to roam onto Vodafone’s global mobile network.

BMobile’s Country Manager Niall Downy told a press conference today, the partnership with Vodafone is a boost of confidence for Bmobile.

“Vodafone are the biggest telecommunication provider in the world, they have 434 million subscribers. They are on five continents, they’re in South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and now they’re in the Pacific. This gives us access to their purchasing power, this will also gives us access to their skill sets. They’ve been in the business since the, I think they were formed in 1991 so they have many years of experience in this technical business. It’s also giving Bmobile I suppose a boost of confidence.”

SIBC News understands the strategic partnership between the two telecommunication providers was effective as of the first of this month.

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