Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast. Photo credit: SIBC.

                                                                 Police Commissioner Frank Prendergast. Photo credit: SIBC.

Discussions have progressed between the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) and Papua New Guinea Police regarding security at their common border.

Police Commissioner Prendergast revealed in his recent weekly media conference in Honiara.

He says the discussions involved cooperation between the two police forces regarding the border, saying a Memorandum of Understanding is now being drafted.

“The Police Force has been in discussions with the RPNGC, the PNG Police Force about a memorandum of understanding in regards to cooperation between the two forces on a range of issues including in relation to the border.”

Mr. Prendergast adds the MOU, now with the Police Commissioner of Papua New Guinea is to be discussed later this month.

“So that MOU has been drafted, it’s with the Commissioner of the RPNGC. I’ve spoken to him directly on the issue and he’s agreeably disposed to that type of MOU but there’s just a little bit of work to be done between the two forces to have that finalized. I am meeting with him, Commissioner Barky, I hope at the PICP (Pacific Islands Chiefs of Police) meeting which is scheduled later this month in Ponape and we’ll discuss that matter further.”

Meanwhile, Deputy Special Coordinator of RAMSI Alex Cameron has said RAMSI will continue to provide border security support for the country.

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