A chief from Central Guadalcanal, Joe Vari claims that certain individuals are rubbishing the recently signed Tina River Hydro Project to gain support for their own political interests.
Chief Vari is from the Pochebolo tribe, one of the core tribes who signed the agreement.
He warns the Bahomea House of Chiefs and the Malango House of Chiefs that some individuals are raising issues about the project only as a ploy to gain favour and support for the upcoming national general elections.
He told SIBC stringer Dudley Gani that the four core tribes signed the project because they believe in its long term benefits to their communities once it starts operating.
Mr Gani says the Chief believes the Tina River Hydro Project is so far one of the best projects for the people.
“The current one with the proposed Tina Hydro Project is the best ever we’ve came across because this proposed project has given them a win-win situation. Chief Vari said the government will acquire the land, but the Perpetual Estate title will remain with landowners through a 50 percent joint venture with the government. Also, the government has given a 15 percent benefit share to the Malango and Bahomea people in this arrangement.”