Accused double-killer Edmond Sae’s trial set to hear a verdict


Edmund Sae was a former RSIPF officer

Closing submissions in the trial involving Edmond Sae, the former policeman accused of murdering former police commissioner Sir Fredrick Soaki in cold blood at the Auki Motel in 2003, have been heard this morning.

SIBC Online was in the High Court in Honiara to hear the submissions but, at the moment, is prevented from reporting any specific details on the case. The trial is a “closed trial” as witnesses involved have expressed concern over being identified.

In court Sae, in a long-sleeve polo shirt and sporting a mustache, barely changed his expression during the closing submissions as Director of Public Prosecutions Ronald Talasasa read out his statement.

The case itself – which has been on trial in the High Court since February – resembles something more like a Hollywood movie script. Sae, accused of two counts of murder, was hiding out as a fugitive in the Malatian highlands for almost 13 years until he was recaptured in October 2015 following his escape from the Rove police station in April 2003.

The escape came after he was brought into custody for the alleged shooting in February 2003 of Sir Soaki who was in Auki for a UN workshop. Police allege that Mr Sae donned a mask and walked up to the Commissioner at the Auki Motel and shot him at point blank range.

After his escape from Honiara in April 2003 Police say he went back to Auki and allegedly shot dead another prisoner and injured another just a week after his escape.

In between Sae was reported to have been involved in a 2007 plot with an Australian Vietnam veteran Bill Johnson to assassinate current Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. However these claims were never substantiated.

The final submissions from Sae’s defense team case are being heard today and Justice John Brown will then retire to consider his verdict.

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