A map of South Malaita. Photo credit: Wikipedia.

A map of South Malaita. Photo credit: Wikipedia.

An elderly man from Pululaha Community, Small Malaita Mr. George Noah has opposed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a Cultural Festival Village in his area.

The initiative to establish a Cultural Festival Village for Small Malaita was led by Hon. Rick Hou.

Mr. Noah says, he will only accept the festival village built in his area if its process meet acceptable traditional requirement.

“We as landowners do not accept the MOU and we need further dialogue and explanation. The group Inomauri tribal group who laid claims to owning the land are not rightful owners, the rightful landowners are there and then in terms of the chiefly system, it is the landowners who witness the chiefs and not the other way around, which is inappropriate.”

Meanwhile, he advises Hon. Rick Hou and others in his working committee to consult the right people if the Small Malaita Cultural Festival village is to be built at its proposed location.

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