A sign of peace. Photo credit: Wikipedia.

A sign of peace. Photo credit: Wikipedia.

The Ministry of National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace is putting together a comprehensive Rehabilitation and Reintegration Programme for ex-combatants.

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare confirmed this in a media statement, saying this will become a public document when it is finalized.

The Prime Minister made the statement in response to the request by the Leader of Independent Group, Dr Sikua for the disclosure of the DCC Government’s rehabilitation and reintegration programme.

He said the programme is expected to reinvigorate the national peace process which ended quickly due to lack of commitment by successive political governments including the Sikua-led government of 2008-2009.

Mr. Sogavare said they will reinvigorate the national peace process in acknowledgement of the fact that the sustainability of the peace we now enjoy following the arrival of RAMSI depends on the success of the national peace process.

The Prime Minister said the programme will incorporate the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report which the government expects to receive soon.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Sogavare said the rehabilitation programme is a significant component of his government’s peace strategy and is crucial to consolidating the national peace process.

The Prime Minister calls on the Leader of the Independent Group to respect the government’s mandate in making decisions than expressing views that may not appreciate the importance of consolidating the national peace process.

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