A map of Malaita Province. Photo credit: SIBC.

A map of Malaita Province. Photo credit: SIBC.

Malaitans whose homes, gardens and properties were damaged by the recent tropical cyclone Pam will soon receive relief supplies from theNational Disaster Management Office through the Provincial Disaster office at Auki.

Provincial Disaster Management Officer, Pearson Simi told SIBC’sMalu’u stringer Lensley Kwaimani officers are ready to distribute the supplies.

Mr Kwaimani reported Mr Simi as saying the distribution will start atUhu on Small Malaita.

“Mr Pearson said the plan that they have for the disaster relief supplies distribution for Malaita Province in terms of drop offs is that they will start dropping off supplies at Uhu in ward 24 of SmallMalaita and then to Auki where they will drop supplies from wards one to seven, wards 15 to 17 and wards 26 to 30.”

He says the next drop off point will be Malu’u and Ata’a for the Northern region.

“Their next drop off point will be at Malu’u for the inland affected communities of wards eight, nine and 10. The other affected villages along the Lau coastal shores from Mana’oba to as far as Ata’a will receive their supplies by boat. After that, the boat will also drop off supplies at Dai islands after which it will return to Honiara.”

The Provincial Disaster Office advised all affected community members to remain in their respective places as they will be called on to receive their supplies when they are distributed.

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