El Nino in the Pacific region. Photo credit: www.theweathernetwork.com

El Nino in the Pacific region. Photo credit: www.theweathernetwork.com

Central and Eastern parts of the Solomon Islands are expected to experience a drier than normal rainfall from February to April this year.

A Rainfall Outlook issued by the Solomon Islands Meteorological Services today said a normal rainfall condition is forecasted for the Western region.

The statement says the outlook is consistent with the statistical model (SCOPIC) and dynamical model (POAMA).

It says all climate predictions are strongly consistent with the current El Nino condition, which is the strongest since 1997.

It adds, a south easterly flow is likely to persist in most parts of the country due to high pressure presence over Australia.

This means calm waters are likely to be around Guadalcanal, Malaita, Isabel and Western parts of Makira at times.

Meanwhile, the statement adds, Solomon Islands is now at the wet and tropical season, from November 2015 to April 2016.

It says the current strongest El Nino condition is easing.

The Met Service said chances of a few tropical cyclones are likely to occur in the north-east, south or east of the country.

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