Five people missing at sea near Russell Islands.


Russell Islands.

Search continues today for a missing boat at Russell Islands with five people on board.

Police Commissioner Mathew Varley told local Journalists, an incident report was received on Wednesday and Police conducted a search straightaway.

Commissioner Varley says the boat went missing between Mary Island and Russell Islands while on a fishing trip.

“So far we don’t have updates on the location of the missing boat, and the specific details of who was on board,” he said.

” We are working on some information that the boat was with another vessel and were fishing  near Mary Island, and when they were travelling back, the sea began to get rough, and that was when the other boat disappeared.”

Mr Varley said the boat is 21 feet long, red cabin and blue hull, and is powered by a 30 horsepower Suzuki engine.

By: Allen Waitara. 

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