Concerned Citizens group, Forum Solomon Islands International, FSII, questions the delay of the construction of the 4th USP campus at Doma, West Guadalcanal.
FSII says in September 2012, the Vice Chancellor of the University of the South Pacific, Professor Rajesh Chandra, inspected the site for the new USP campus in Solomon Islands.
Professor Chandra says it is big enough to meet the demands of the growing base of local students.
The Solomon Islands Minister for Lands Joesph Onika says a lease has been given to the USP by the Guadalcanal Provincial government.
Professor Chandra says depending on when the government can provide connectivity of electricity and water, the construction of the campus could begin towards the end of 2013.
Chandra says funding has been secured and the government wants the construction to go ahead.
But reacting to the long delay, FSII has questioned the government’s commitment and political will to ensure this project kick off.
FSII CEO Benjamin Afuga in a posting on FSII Facebook page says this is an opportunity that the government must not allow to slip by.
Mr Afuga says we have seen and heard of the hardship faced by our students in Fiji and PNG, therefore hosting the 4th campus is the best decision the NCRA government has ever made, therefore the government must not allow this opportunity to slip by.
Meanwhile, the discussion on the FSII Facebook Page has generated a lot of good and interesting points.
Some members pointed out that the government is only interested in projects that leaders personally benefit from; whilst others fear USP may change its mind and award this golden opportunity to another USP member country.
The availability of power and water is paramount for the project to kickoff, others pointed out.