A poster from the 16 Days of Activism Against Domestic Violence. Photo credit: The Pixel Project.

A poster from the 16 Days of Activism Against Domestic Violence. Photo credit: The Pixel Project.

High Court Judge, Justice Stephen Pallaras says unless the Government actually does something, treaties and conventions of human rights and the elimination of violence including the recently passed Family Protection Act, barley worth anything.

Justice Pallaras was speaking at the All Saints Church of the Church of Melanesia this morning.

He said Solomon Islands is a signatory to the UN Convention on the Elimination of violence of all discrimination against women and it can sign up to a hundred conventions and make itself looks good on the international stage.

But he says it will mean absolutely nothing to any Solomon Islander unless the Government back its words with action.

He says it should build refugees for women who get bashed daily, child care for their children, medical help for victims, social workers, Psychologists and psychiatrists to help them recover from the years of trauma.

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